THE LAST DITCH -- Douglas Olson — FREAK SHOW #33


Freak show #33
My hero!


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"Every normal man must be tempted at times to spit on his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin slitting throats."

— H.L. Mencken

Calling their bluff

After being questioned during the investigation into the burning of an unmarked police car in front of the local police station, New Zealander Ralph Williams discovered surveillance devices in two of his own autos that had been searched by lawmen. After he put the two "bugs" up for auction on a Website, police ordered the site to cancel the sale — and Williams was arrested for the theft of "some property of the New Zealand police."

"I did nothing wrong," Williams told the press. "The police car burning had nothing whatsoever to do with me ... there's no evidence to suggest that it did." Williams said he offered the bugs for sale because he wanted to bring public attention to police tactics and because police lied by denying to him that the devices were theirs. He said he found a SIM card in one that gave him the police department's number.

Authorities would say only that the bugs were used in accordance with a court order.

Lifting the curtain on traitors

Hans von Spakovsky, whose nomination to the Federal Election Commission was derailed by Democrats, was the victim of particularly nasty character assassination by the Left because of his work as a career attorney at the U.S. Department of Justice.

"I've been called corrupt and unethical, and labeled everything from a Klansman to a Nazi (my last name seems to generate that latter pejorative)," he declared in a Wall Street Journal column on May 20.

In that piece, von Spakovsky also exposed behind-the-scenes anti-white attitudes of supposedly conservative Bush appointees. Discussing a Mississippi case in which a federal court later found anti-white discrimination, he noted: "The chief of the voting section, Joseph Rich, deleted the recommendation to file a lawsuit from the original memorandum" prepared by investigators. "Why? Because this case involved discrimination by black officials against white voters. According to lawyers involved in the case, Mr. Rich did not believe the Voting Rights Act should be used to protect white voters against racial discrimination."

Unfortunately von Spakovsky tarnishes his hero's halo somewhat by boasting that the Bush administration filed more voting-rights lawsuits than the Clinton administration did, although he does point out that the Clintonistas were ordered to pay defendants more than $4 million in attorney fees for filing "frivolous discrimination claims."

Wishful thinking

Earlier this year, in the waning months of a 30-year legislative career, Pennsylvania State Sen. Vincent J. Fumo (D-Philadelphia) was candid enough to advise a black preacher that his colleagues would vote to legalize slavery if they could do it on a secret ballot.

Speaking in April during a hearing on legislation barring homosexual marriage, the strongly pro-homo Fumo declared, "What you are advocating here is that we take away the rights of a minority. And I don't think that's right.... If we introduced a bill on slavery, it might pass. That doesn't make it right."

When the witness, Rev. Gilbert Coleman, Jr., expressed doubt, Fumo continued: "I know some people up here, especially on a secret ballot, it would be almost unanimous."

Fumo is giving up his seat over pending federal corruption charges, in which he is accused of using his state-paid staff for private purposes.

Wisdom cries out ...

A Tory member of the Medway Council of Kent, England, posted an Internet essay advocating sterilization of welfare recipients. Although he removed the document after the to-be-expected firestorm of intolerance from the professional "tolerance" lobby, John Ward, 58 and a bachelor, has uploaded a claim that he was "exposing easily demonstrable truths."

In the original post, Ward declared:

This is yet another example of "Breakdown Britain," much of which stems from Government-encouraged change away from the hard-working and decent family structure to an increasingly self-indulgent immoral and state-funded lazy lifestyle....

I think there is an increasingly strong case for compulsory sterilisation of all those who have a second (or third, or whatever) child while living off state handouts.

It would clearly ... remove the incentive to "breed for greed" — i.e., for more public subsidy of their lifestyle (a well-known dodge, worth ever greater amounts to countless thousands of professional spongers).

Predictably, outraged leftists compared him to you-know-who: "It's the sort of thing Nazis did in Germany," whined Labour councillor Bill Esterson. Also predictably, representatives of Ward's own party denounced the thoughtful remarks as "abhorrent" and declared, "The Conservative Party disassociates itself from them."

Idol of idiots

"In my life, I have always looked to Mahatma Gandhi as an inspiration," the fatuous and demonstrably ignorant Barack Obama proclaimed in February, "because he embodies the kind of transformational change that can be made when ordinary people come together to do extraordinary things." If Obama were not an utter moron, he would "vet" his heroes at least as well as his vice-presidential candidate.

In fact, the real Mohandas Gandhi was an unabashed anti-black racist and a proud supporter of fascism.

His early "civil disobedience" in South Africa was not for racial equality, but for a society in which whites and Indians together dominated Negroes. "Ours is a continual struggle against a degradation sought to be inflicted upon us by the Europeans," Gandhi wrote, "who desire to degrade us to the level of the raw Kaffir ["nigger"] whose occupation is hunting, and whose sole ambition is to collect a certain number of cattle to buy a wife and, then, pass his life of indolence in nakedness." Also: "We believe as much in the purity of race as we think they [the British] do.... We believe also that the white race of South Africa should be the predominating race."

In 1906, when Zulus revolted in Natal, Gandhi abandoned his pacifism to serve as an ambulance attendant for British forces suppressing the Negroes. At about the same time, "equalitarian" changes in the law stirred Gandhi to write: "Under the new Act, a Kaffir police constable can ask [an Asian] for particulars of name and identity, and, if not satisfied, can take him to the police station.... Is there any Indian who is not roused to fury by such a law? We should very much like to know the Indian whose blood does not boil...."

In 1940, as Germany was preparing to invade the British Isles, Gandhi advised the British public: "I would like you to lay down the arms you have as being useless for saving you or humanity. You will invite Herr Hitler and Signor Mussolini to take what they want of the countries you call your possessions...."

Finally, most offensive to certain of our masters, Gandhi stated in a 1941 letter to Hitler: " ... Nor do I believe that you are the monster described by your opponents." Does the idiot Obama dare agree with his idol on that?

The truth hurts

During April's debate on a bill to help illegal aliens get federal visas, Colorado State Rep. Douglas Bruce (R) was ordered to leave the House podium for commenting: "I would like to have the opportunity to state at the microphone why I don't think we need 5,000 more illiterate peasants in Colorado."

Rep. Terrance Carroll (D) threatened a formal ethics complaint, with potential for suspension, censure, or expulsion from the body — and so much for freedom of speech in Colorado.

Bruce had already become the first legislator in state history to be censured — for kicking a newspaper reporter who photographed him during a prayer. His party removed him from the State, Veterans, and Military Affairs Committee because he refused to sponsor a resolution to honor veterans — declaring, quite rightly, that such resolutions are a waste of time because they have no legal effect.

The unchosen people

Finally, Albert Einstein became one of my heroes only recently, when his letter of January 3, 1954, was offered at auction. In that missive, he observed:

"For me the Jewish religion like all others is an incarnation of the most childish superstitions.... And the Jewish people to whom I gladly belong and [for] whose mentality I have a deep affinity have no different quality for me than all other people."

October 1, 2008

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